Building skills

Success in the world of work is about more than just academic results. Employers are increasingly looking for soft or life skills such as the ability to communicate effectively, solve problems and work as part of a team.

Many soft skills develop naturally with age, maturity and self-confidence, but it’s worth being aware of what employers value so you can help your child to nurture these skills and give them the best chance of securing a job. 

Transferable skills 

The Skills Builder Partnership works with learners and their parents, employers and educators to help children and young people develop the skills needed to thrive in the workplace. 

The Skills Builder Partnership believes that one day everyone will build the essential skills to succeed.’ There are eight essential skills they have identified that have been identified as essential for life and work success.

These are:

  • Listening 
  • Speaking
  • Problem-solving
  • Creativity
  • Staying positive
  • Aiming high
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

Skills Builder Partnership 

Each skill is broken down into smaller steps, for example, listening might involve listening without interrupting, remembering short instructions and understanding body language. 

This helps children and young people to put the skills into context and understand how they can be used. 

The approach is divided into pre-school, school years, apprenticeship, college and university, early career and mid-career onwards