T levels
What are T levels?
T levels are technical qualifications that offer young people an alternative to A levels or apprenticeships. The two year courses are equivalent to three A levels and have been developed with employers and businesses to ensure what’s taught meets the needs of industry and prepares students for work, further training or study.
What subjects are T levels available in?
Currently, T levels are available in:
- Design, surveying and planning for construction
- Digital production, design and development
- Education and childcare
- Building services engineering for construction
- Digital business services
- Digital support and services
- Health
- Healthcare science
- Onsite construction
- Science
- Accounting
- Design and development for engineering and manufacturing
- Engineering, manufacturing, processing and control
- Finance
- Maintenance, installation and repair for engineering and manufacturing
- Management and administration
- Animal care and management
- Agriculture, land management and production
- Catering
- Craft and design
- Hair, beauty and aesthetics
- Legal
- Media, broadcast and production
See more on the T levels: What courses are available? DfE blog.
How are T levels graded?
Students who complete their T level will receive an overall grade of pass, merit, distinction or distinction*. They will get a nationally recognised certificate which will show their overall grade and a breakdown of their separate scores for the core component and each occupational specialism.
It will also confirm they have completed the industry placement and met any additional requirements.
Do all schools and colleges offer T levels?
T levels will only be available in England and are more likely to be taught in colleges because of their technical content.
What happens after T levels?
Your child can go on to skilled employment, an apprenticeship or higher education — T level grades have UCAS points allocated to them just like A levels do.