APPG — 27th March 2023
Members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Parental Participation in Education met to talk about disadvantage. Parliamentarians heard presentations from Lee Elliot-Major, Professor of Social Mobility at Exeter University on addressing Britain’s parenting divide; the National Governance Association (NGA) on its Disadvantage Toolkit and Parentkind’s Research Manager about findings on disadvantage among parents.
What can parents do to minimise the effects of disadvantage?
Professor Lee Elliot-Major spoke about the impact of parents drawing on his extensive background in policy. He explained how efforts to tackle school inequalities will fail unless we address education’s parenting divide. There was an emphasis on the importance of the home-learning environment and support from extended family such as grandparents. Families may be divided by factors including money, health, culture and education. Although disadvantage is more complex than just variations in affluence, and many parents don’t have adequate guidance to help with their children’s education, Elliot-Major suggested some ways in which parents can minimise disadvantage for their child. These included reading, establishing regular routines and ensuring that children are ready. He suggested that good parental engagement plans in schools are essential to achieving this, as is ensuring that school cultures are genuinely inclusive. However, he concluded by remarking that much policy work is needed to make these cultural changes happen.