PTA Membership fee update

Important information about our Membership Fees going foward.

As a charity dedicated to improving the life chances of children, young people and their communities, we’ve stood proudly by the side of PTAs for over 60 years now, providing dedicated expertise and assistance.

To continue to deliver and invest in our PTA member benefit package, including your bespoke insurance managed by Marsh Commercial, which has been impacted by a price increase, we have had to re-evaluate our PTA membership fees. From 19 November 2022 these will be changing for both new and existing members. 

  • If your school has 100 pupils or fewer, your PTA membership fee will be £115 if paying by Direct Debit and £125 if paying by any other method.
  • If your school has 101 pupils or more, your PTA membership fee will be £162 if paying by Direct Debit and £172 if paying by any other method.

Your Membership Benefits 

We understand that value is on everyone’s mind right now. To help you get the most from your PTA membership, here’s a reminder of all the benefits we provide:

  • Bespoke Insurance - specifically designed for PTAs, managed by Marsh Commercial — check out the updated insurance policy details in the My PTA Account area of the website.
  • PTA Community Advisers - our Advisers are on hand from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, to offer guidance and answer all of your questions. You can reach us by phone, email, via the website, and on Facebook. Answering hundreds of queries every week, we provide unparalleled support at just the click of a button.
  • Brand new PTA Member Hub - from hosting an AGM to raising over £10,000 to our Model Constitution, our brand new website provides everything you need to run a successful PTA. 
  • Training webinars - join our series of webinars on key PTA learning areas, including tips on grant funding and how to have a happy handover. 
  • National PTA Week - celebrating the success of our PTAs, including workshops and a chance to enter your association into our National PTA Week Awards.
  • Big PTA fundraisers - our exclusive member fundraisers that are easy to organise, with advice and resources for you to hit the ground running, including the Big PTA Walk, Quiz and the Big PTA Cash Draws. 
  • Exclusive supplier offers - discounts and services for PTAs from our list of carefully curated partners.

We also host a supportive peer-to-peer community on Facebook. If you’re not already, make sure you’ve joined PTA Hangout by Parentkind.

If you have any questions about your membership, please get in touch with our Community Advisers via phone or email.

Together, we look forward to raising more money than ever before for schools and improving the educational experiences of our children and young people.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why raise membership fees now?

We have strived over the years to minimise PTA membership increases and indeed we have had periods where the membership fee hasn’t risen at all. Unfortunately, Parentkind is not immune from the cost increases that we are all experiencing and we need to make sure that we continue to have the financial stability to support members and the charity. 

How have you decided upon the new fees?

With the assistance of a company called Membership Matters over the past six months we have talked to 100s of members and listened to what you have had to say. This feedback has been used to simplify our membership structure, determine membership fees, making sure that we can support all sizes of school and PTAs, and continue to invest in and develop our offering. 

What do I need to do next?

Nothing, normal renewal letters and emails will be sent when your PTA membership is due for renewal. We however wanted to make sure that every PTA member was made aware of the membership fee changes as soon as possible. 

Can I renew my membership early and pay the old membership fee?

No, if you are due to renew on or after the 2nd December 2024 then the new PTA membership fees will be applied.