How to appeal a school allocation

How do I appeal the decision to not offer my child a place in our first-choice secondary or post-primary school?

How do I appeal the decision to not offer my child a place in their first choice school?


To lodge an appeal, first contact the school’s admission authority, which can be found via your local authority’s website. They are responsible for establishing the appeal panel, although the panel itself is independent.

Then, you and the admission authority will both present your cases and the appeal panel must come to its own independent conclusion as to whether the school should admit your child. The decision of the appeal panel is binding – if the appeal is upheld, the admission authority must offer your child a place at the school.

Admission authorities and appeal panels must comply with the statutory School Admission Appeals Code, which is available here. Guidance for parents on the admission appeals process can also be found here.


You can find information on how to appeal on your local authority’s website. Details of the process will be provided by the local authority when your appeal is submitted. 

Northern Ireland

If you believe the school did not fairly apply their admissions criteria, you have the right to appeal to an independent panel. You also have the option to apply to the independent Exceptional Circumstances Body (ECB) in cases where there may be strong reasons a child needs to attend a particular school.

What happens if my appeal is unsuccessful?


You can’t appeal again. You can make a complaint about the way the appeals process was carried out but this won’t alter the decision. If you applied for a place at an academy, you can escalate your complaint to the Education and Skills Funding Agency.


Your local authority website will explain any further options. 

Northern Ireland

You can’t appeal again but if you’re unhappy about the way the appeal process was carried out, you can complain to the Northern Ireland Ombudsman.

Can I apply for a place at a different school mid-term?

England and Wales 

Yes, it’s perfectly possible to move children at any point during the academic year but do wait until you have a firm offer of a place at another school before withdrawing your child from their current school. You’ll need to visit your local authority’s website to find out how to start the process. 

Northern Ireland

The Education Authority in your area will be able to discuss your options.