What financial support can parents get?

Juggling home and school life is tough for every parent, but there are some financial support options available. Find out what you could be entitled to below.

Financial support and benefits 

Here are some of the benefits parents can apply for:

Child Benefit

For parents responsible for a child under 16 (or under 20 if they stay in approved education or training).

Universal Credit

For families on a low income needing extra support to meet their basic living costs. 

Carer’s Allowance

For parents spending at least 35 hours a week caring for a disabled person who is on certain disability benefits and does not work, or works but earns less than £139 a week. 

Council Tax Reduction 

Families on a low income may be entitled to a discount on their council tax bill. 

Pension Credit

For families on low income, but only if they are over State Pension age. 

New-Style Jobseeker’s Allowance 

For parents who have worked and paid sufficient National Insurance contributions in the last two to three years and are unemployed and looking for work, or working 16 hours a week or less and looking for additional work. 

New-Style Employment and Support Allowance 

For parents who have worked and paid sufficient National Insurance contributions in the last two to three years and are unable to work due to ill health or disability.


Did you know your child could get free transport to and from school?

They’re eligible if:

  • The school is more than two miles from your home 
  • There’s no safe walking route between home and school 
  • They have special educational needs, disabilities or a mobility problem

They may also qualify if you have low family income. Check with your local council’s website.

Free school meals 

While all schools do lunchtimes a little differently, your child may get free school meals depending on which country you live in.


In state-funded schools, children in reception, Year 1 and Year 2 get free lunches. In London, all children in state-funded primary schools get free school meals.


All children in primary schools get free school meals.

Northern Ireland

Children only get free school meals if they’re eligible due to low family income or other benefits.

Further support 

Find out if you’re eligible for further support using the website links below.