Why become a member with Parentkind?

08 January 2025
If you’re a Parentkind member (yay!) or thinking of becoming one, here’s a quick look at the specially selected resources, offers and benefits our members have exclusive access to.

PTA Community Advisers

Rated Parentkind’s top service by current PTA members, our community team are on hand to answer questions and give expert guidance during office hours. With over 46 years of PTA-related experience between them, they can answer your questions via email, phone and social media. 

Book now!

Book dedicated support with a PTA Community Adviser

Members can arrange an appointment with one of our friendly Community Advisers to help you with everything you need to be an effective PTA.

Book here


Think a PTA is insured by the school or local authority? Think again — as separate entities to the school, PTAs aren’t covered by the vast majority of school policies, and the few policies which do extend to PTAs only provide very limited cover.

With a PTA membership by Parentkind, you’re provided with a comprehensive insurance policy that covers public liability including events, trustee indemnity, theft, employer’s liability, and more. This policy is managed by Marsh Commercial*, a UK insurance broker and part of Marsh, the world’s leading insurance broker and risk advisor.

Partner services, offers and discounts 

We know how important it is to make the most profit from each event. We only partner with organisations and negotiate offers with suppliers that we believe will add true value to your association. Find out more by visiting our supplier directory.

PTA Expert advice hub

Need advice on running your PTA, understanding regulation or fundraising inspiration? 

Then visit our PTA Expert pages. Packed with information and resources developed over the past 60 years, and regularly reviewed and updated to encompass new legislation, trends, and the ever-evolving school system, you’ll find a range of guidance and resources to help manage your PTA. If you’re just setting up, learn about committee roles, types of associations, hosting an AGM, and setting up a bank account. 

You’ll find brilliant resources for managing, planning, and promoting your PTA and its events, including: 

  • Our model constitution 
  • Guides to charity registration and GDPR 
  • How to complete a risk assessment 
  • Customisable posters and flyers 
  • Webinars and bitesize training videos 
  • And more!

Member newsletter

Our regular member newsletter provides information, inspiration and support. It keeps you up-to date on everything an active PTA needs to know, together with our latest member resources and offers. 

Opt-in to our newsletter at your account page.

Social media

Our popular Facebook pages are where members can keep up to date, get to know each other, exchange ideas and expertise, voice opinions – and have a laugh too! 

PTA Expert by Parentkind is where we share news, updates and ideas from the world of PTAs. 

PTA Hangout by Parentkind is our community group, where members come together to support each other by posting questions, concerns, experiences and ideas. It’s moderated by our Membership Advisers, who will answer your questions and provide the latest guidance and information for England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Just hit the Sign up’ button to join the conversation today! 

* Marsh Commercial is a trading name of Marsh Ltd. Marsh Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for General Insurance Distribution and Credit Broking (Firm Reference No. 307511). Not all products and services are regulated by the FCA. Copyright © 2024 Marsh Ltd. Registered in England and Wales Number 1507274, Registered office: 1 Tower Place West, Tower Place, London EC3R 5BU.