How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Big PTA Quiz

25 October 2022
Caroline Hayward
Caroline Hayward is a Parentkind PTA Community Adviser and former PTFA Chair. 
As much as I love being hands-on, sometimes it’s good to fundraise with a little help from Parentkind.

I have a confession to make… I, Caroline Hayward, PTFA Chair and PTA Community Adviser at Parentkind, have never used any of the BIG PTA fundraisers before – sorry! In truth, I like to do everything myself. But this year, when our annual family quiz rolled around, I found myself with no time. No time to write questions, organise an event, or prepare anything. 

It’s that time of year, following a lazy summer with no clubs, activities, or events to be at; September hits hard. Suddenly, the reality of scouts, brownies, swimming lessons, music lessons and endless birthday parties – plus working part time – means that even the best laid PTFA plans take a bit of a back seat. With the sudden realisation that our quiz was just a fortnight away, and I had done nothing more than send the letters out, panic hit. So, realising I actually couldn’t do everything myself, I downloaded the Big PTA Quiz pack. I mean, why not?

Honestly, I organised an entire quiz night in one afternoon.

What I didn’t know is that the quiz pack isn’t just questions; there’s guides on how to run a quiz night, how to promote it, how to be a quiz master, promotional posters, rules and answer sheets – how did I not do this before? With two weeks to go, I edited and printed out the posters, read through the questions, and decided which ones would work for our PTFA. We also added a Disney music round and a Harry Potter Round (as is our tradition), and ordered refreshments at an online shop to be delivered to school. And it was done. Honestly, I organised an entire quiz night in one afternoon.

Last night was the quiz, and apparently it was the best one yet! The Add, Subtract, or Replace round was a firm favourite, and the quizzers enjoyed the variety of questions. We made around £300 on refreshments and charged £2 per quizzer, so in total it was £500 for nothing. I feel a little guilty for all the praise I received after I did so little, but you know what? In this busy, busy life, I’ll get over it, and I’ll definitely be downloading the Big PTA Quiz pack next year!

If you’re like me, there’s still time to pull a quiz night out of the bag, download your quiz pack now! If your PTA quiz isn’t taking place yet, you can still download the pack and save for later!