Look after your skin and stay safe in the sun!

Parents School Holidays
25 June 2020
Christina Driver
Christina Driver is a Skcin Ambassador and Melanoma survivor. National skin cancer charity Skcin was formed by the family of Karen Clifford who passed away from Melanoma in 2005. Skcin is dedicated to educational intervention, embedding skin cancer prevention and early detection into the heart of communities nationwide. 
Did you know that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the UK? More people die from skin cancer in the UK than in Australia. 86% of all skin cancers are caused by over exposure to the sun / sunbeds.

Here at national skin cancer charity Skcin, our primary objectives are to raise awareness of skin cancer and promote the importance of sun safety and early detection through national educational initiatives and targeted campaigns.

Here are some handy tips on how to keep your family safe in the sun:

Follow the UV index, a rating system adopted from the World Health Organisation and provided by the MET Office in the UK. It determines your level of exposure to UV radiation. The higher the number, the stronger the levels of solar UVR and the less time it takes for damage to the skin to occur. It ranges from 1 being low to 11 being Extreme. Surprisingly, in the UK the UV Index can reach 8. When the UV Index shows 3 or above, make sure you follow the steps below:

Five S’s of Sun Safety

1. SLIP on a t‑shirt – clothing can be one of the most effective barriers from the sun
2. SLOP on SPF 30+ sunscreen – make sure it’s broad spectrum and carries a UVA symbol (if it has a star-rating, use minimum 4 stars)
3. SLAP on a broad-brimmed hat – wear a wide-brimmed or legionnaire hat to shade the face, neck and ears
4. SLIDE on quality sunglasses – look for the European CE mark (which ranges from 1–10) which will provide best protection
5. SHADE from the sun when possible – seek shade whenever possible, particularly in the hottest times of the day between 11 and 3pm.

Finally CHECK YOUR SKIN – the sooner a skin cancer is identified and treated the better your chance of survival. If you are concerned see your GP. Early detection is the key!

Over 6 years ago Skcin developed a FREE Sun safe school accreditation which offers a unique solution to implementing sun safe teaching into primary schools and nurseries. The key objective is to prevent skin cancer through education, evoking cultural change in sun habits by encouraging children to adopt sun safe behaviours. Why not ask your local primary school to sign up ready for the new school year.

Another way to teach your children about sun safety is with George the Sun Safe Superstar – click here to watch the video. This is the story of how a boy became known by a very, very special name. How he spread a message near and far and became a Sun Safe Superstar! It was written by Skcin; The Karen Clifford Skin Cancer Charity to help children learn about the importance of sun safety in a fun and engaging way. Definitely worth a watch with your kids.

To understand more about becoming a Sun Safe school or nursery and learn more about the other accreditations we offer in the beauty industry, for healthcare professionals and outdoor workers come visit our website – https://www.skcin.org/.
