The Award for PTA Fundraising Activity of the Year

Recognition for outstanding fundraising activities by PTAs.

About this award

Prize: £250

For outstanding innovation in fundraising, this award celebrates the impact of funds raised, the strength of the homes school partnership, the support from parents and any challenges that have been overcome.

Award nominations are open to all PTAs in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

  • PTAs can nominate themselves or be nominated by someone else.
  • The project or new/​relaunched PTA must have occurred between January and December 2023 (for relaunched PTAs there must not have been a PTA at the school in the 12 months prior to relaunch).
  • Nominations can be submitted via our website or by sending the completed digital version of the nomination form via email.

The overview/​nomination statement (required)

To maximise your chances of success, we recommend your overall nomination statement covers the following points:

  • How the idea for the activity originated
  • The aim of the activity: what it set out to achieve
  • Who and how many people were involved e.g. PTA Committee members, other parents, pupils, teachers, governors and members of the local community
  • Where the activity took place
  • How much was raised in total and per head of the school roll
  • How the funds will be/​have been used
  • Plans to replicate the activity and/​or share good practice with other PTAs

Endorsement statements (optional)

You may include an endorsement from your school. The endorsement statement can be written by the head teacher, their nominated deputy or a member of the governing body. This should include:

  • The impact the funds raised had on the school
  • Information on how the activity was evaluated
  • Evidence of the effect it had on the school and wider community as applicable

We recommend that you read the full guidance notes which can be viewed here.

  • All applications must be received by midnight on Friday 28th June 2024
  • Should you require further support, please contact the PTA Community Advisors on 0300 123 5460 (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) or email