Parentkind conducted a short online survey, promoted to parents via social media, between 14th October 2021 and 5th January 2022. 454 parents completed the survey (412 in England, 18 in Northern Ireland and 24 in Wales). Parents were asked to answer the questions based on their eldest child’s experiences. 52% of parents’ eldest children attended primary school, 46% secondary school 2% a special school. 7% of parents said their child attends an independent (fee paying) school. 75% of parents classify their ethnic group/background as white, 7% mixed/multiple ethnic groups, 6% Asian/Asian British, and 3% Black/African/Caribbean/Black British. Respondents cover all regions of England, including 27% from the South East, 15% the South West, 13% London, 8% the East Midlands and 7% Yorkshire and Humberside.
*Comparisons with teachers are drawn from research conducted by Pearson, who surveyed 1,003 teaching staff between 10–17th December 2019 and 1,000 teaching staff between 31st July — 17th August 2020 to capture their views on education. Responses were collected via online surveys, with the fieldwork completed by research agency Opinium. Teaching staff include school leaders, middle leaders, classroom teachers and teaching assistants working in UK primary and secondary schools.