Rock and Roll Bingo is very easily implemented; all you need is a CD player, microphone and players!

At the event hand out or sell your tickets, put the CD in your system and away you go. Each game will last around 20mins, and we recommend having a compère, DJ/​quiz master or member of staff (someone with bags of personality to add extra fun) to run the event.

Prizes are to be issued at your discretion (possibly donated by local businesses), but they don’t have to be all singing and dancing; it can be as simple as a box of chocolates! Some PTAs even use the kids as prizes (and we don’t mean actually trying to give them away!), by using vouchers for chores; where the children (or adults for that matter) donate time at weekends to help the winner around the house vacuuming, in the garden sweeping leaves, you get the idea.

So give us a call to see how we can help you raise funds for your events.

Rock and Roll Bingo continues to deliver. We have used their products for years now and our fundraising events just keep getting bigger and better. So a big thank you to them and all the helpful staff for making everything easy, from ordering to running the night!

Katie Coldwell — Friends of Highfield PTA

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