Donate Clothes 4 Sammy
Looking to raise extra funds for your school?
We offer 55p per kilo for collected pre-loved clothing, plus you’ll raise 35p per kilo for Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK.
Support your school and a great cause effortlessly!
How It Works:
We’re excited to offer two easy options for schools to raise money while promoting sustainability:
Bags Collection: We pay 55p per kilo of collected preloved clothing.
Completely Free to Join: No hidden fees, contracts, or obligations—you can opt out anytime.
How the Bag Collection Process Works:
- Bag Provision: We provide collection bags, a fence banner, and stickers for children.
- Distribution: Distribute the bags to parents, and children get a Sammy sticker for donating.
- Collection: Our friendly, DBS-checked drivers will collect the filled bags and issue a receipt with the total weight for your reference.
- Payment: Your school earns 55p per kilo, with funds transferred within 3 days.
- Certificates: Your school receives certificates acknowledging funds raised and your contribution to Leukaemia & Myeloma Research UK (35p per kilo).

How to Join?
Simply send us an email at [email protected], give us a call on 0161 513 9502, or fill in a form on our website and we will be in touch.
Join today and make a difference with Sammy while helping your school, the environment, and a worthy cause!
Warm regards, and we can’t wait to have you join the project!
Fennec fox Sammy :)
Teaching Assistant at St Vincent’s Catholic Primary SchoolRaising funds for our school through unwanted items is a great and sustainable way of continuing to provide the best environment and facilities for our pupils.
From the teachers to the students, we’ve all enjoyed taking part in the clothing recycling scheme with the Sammy Project – it’s a fantastic way to raise funds for not only our school but also blood cancer research and supporting the environment by recycling in an ethical way.

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