As your child progresses through school you’ll come across various new phrases and different terminology and while some will be specific to your child’s school, many of these are used across the board. In this section we explain more about the school system and translate some of the most commonly-used jargon.
School types
At both primary and secondary levels there are many different types of schools and colleges. Learn about the main ones in each of the regions and the differences between them.
Administration and finance
Depending on your financial situation you may be eligible for free school meals, help towards transport costs or other funding. We’ll help you find out what you’re entitled to and how to apply.
School performance and inspection
Find out how schools are monitored and assessed and what the results mean for you and your child.
Learn the lingo
Some of the most commonly-used phrases and what they mean.
Who’s who
Your child will have contact with lots of different people within the school environment. Find out who they are and what they do.
Behaviour and attendance
Get to know the rules for pupil attendance and what happens if your child is suspended or excluded.
School policies
Child protection and safeguarding should be taken very seriously. Learn what policies and procedures should be in place to ensure your child’s wellbeing.