A Summer Message from the PTA Community Team

Parents PTAs Communications
12 July 2023
Caroline Hayward
Caroline Hayward is a Parentkind PTA Community Adviser and former PTFA Chair. 

At this time of year, the types of enquiries the PTA Community Team receive subtly change, and we see more and more upset and conflict within PTAs. Committee Members contacting us because they feel left out; that other members aren’t pulling their weight; that there’s infighting in the committee or the school are not responding to requests. 

We always ask the same question: Would this same issue bother you as much at the start of the year?” 

The chances are the answer would be no, because we know as PTAs crawl to the Summer Term, there is little resilience left to deal with small upsets. Everything seems bigger, harder and more hurtful. All the excitement and enthusiasm from last September has been poured into the planning and holding of events throughout the year, and PTAs are running on empty. We get it. 

But do you know what else we get? We get the difference that you have made, we understand the heart and soul that you have put into your fundraising, and we see your passion. 

So as the year ends and you start to regret ever joining the PTA, it’s time to stop and look back at what you have achieved. Count-up the money that your events have raised, remember the ways you have brought the community together and look at the difference that your funding has made. Share it with each other and your members and shout from the roof tops how wonderful you all are. 

Things will look better in September… they always do!